Snorble® | 5 Effects Sleep Has On Child Development Snorble® logo


5 Effects Sleep Has On Child Development

We think sleep is super important, and there are plenty of reasons for that. In fact, we decided to share five of them in this post!

Parents know that sleep is important for their children – but do they know just how important it is? Sleep has a number of effects on child development, ranging from cognitive benefits to emotional stability. Here are five of the most important effects that sleep has on children:

Sleep helps children focus and learn in school

A good night’s sleep helps children to pay attention and retain information in school. In a study by the University of California, Berkeley, children who received adequate sleep scored significantly better on standardized tests than those who did not. The National Sleep Foundation (NSF) also reports that elementary school students who get enough sleep have grades that are one point higher than their classmates who don’t get enough sleep.

Sleep Helps Children By Providing Energy Which Fuels Activity

Children need plenty of energy to engage in physical activity and learn. Sleep deprivation can cause children to feel tired and irritable, which makes it difficult for them to focus in school or participate in activities. By improving the sleep your child gets, you can help them feel more energetic and enthusiastic.

Sleep Reinforces The Value Of Routines

Routines provide a sense of stability and security for children. When bedtimes are inconsistent or irregular, it can disrupt a child’s natural sleep patterns and lead to problems such as insomnia. Establishing a routine for sleep will help your child to feel more secure and relaxed, making it easier for them to fall asleep.

Sleep Helps Children Maintain Emotional Stability

A good night’s sleep helps children to regulate their emotions and stay calm. Children who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to have problems with emotional regulation, leading to tantrums and outbursts. In contrast, children who get enough sleep are better able to handle stress and cope with difficult situations.

Sleep Plays a Role in Growth and Development

During sleep, the body releases human growth hormone (HGH), which is essential for physical development. A lack of sleep can interfere with the release of this hormone, leading to problems such as stunted growth. By getting enough sleep, children allow their bodies to function properly and grow at a healthy rate.

Sleep Helps Children Manage Stress

Children who get enough sleep are better able to cope with stress. Sleep deprivation can make children more susceptible to anxiety and depression.

Sleep is essential for children’s development, and parents should make sure their children get enough of it. By ensuring that your child gets a good night’s sleep, you can help them to achieve their full potential in school and in life.

Introducing Snorble® - An Intelligent Sleep Companion For Kids

Snorble can help your child with their sleeping habit. Snorble is a smart companion that monitors your child's sleep and provides insights and recommendations to help them get a good night's sleep. Snorble also provides a nightlight and sound machine to help your child relax and fall asleep. If you're looking for ways to improve your child's sleeping habit, Snorble is the perfect solution.

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash


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