Who doesn’t love s’mores? Roasted marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers, all enjoyed beside a roaring campfire. Ah, s’mores in summer, we can smell the aroma from here.
Here at Snorble® - dare we say it - we’ve found a way to improve s’mores!
The ingredients remain the same (anything different would surely be sacrilege) but we’ve branded those otherwise boring little white marshmallows with the face of our interactive little sleep buddy, Snorble.
Say hello to ‘Smorbles.’
Now before you start salivating and checking your local supermarket shelves for an edible version of Snorble, they’re sadly not out there.
As part of our ongoing PR campaign to introduce our lovable children’s buddy to prominent members of the national media, we have sent them a box of Smorbles to help them and their families enjoy the final few weeks of summer.
These edible Smorbles are landing on the desks of newspaper, magazine, and television reporters across the country. We hope they in turn take them home to roast on an open campfire, while also scanning a QR code included on the packaging that will take them to a web page where they can learn all about Snorble.
We’ve probably mentioned this before, but it doesn’t hurt to again mention that: This lovable children’s buddy can support families with self-soothing sleep techniques and creates a calming nighttime environment through lights and soundscapes. Snorble also engages with kids during the day by introducing them to yoga, meditation, and many other inspiring activities.
We’re expecting to hear from some of the media who have received our branded summer promo item, perhaps through their social media platforms. Come on members of the media, don’t be shy!
Speaking of not being shy, folks certainly weren’t shy in expressing their interest in our delicious creation on social media. So, perhaps we’ll need to create another batch at some point in the future so more folks can get their hands on these sticky snacks?